Gold Coast, Queensland – R Marine Jones Experience
Queensland certainly turned on some stunning weather for the R Marine Jones Winter Weekend get-together recently.
The Coomera-based Riviera dealer reports a total of 25 Riviera and Belize motor yachts and 70 people participated in organised activities that included informal Wine Tasting and Cheese Platter competitions on the beach at picturesque Peel Island’s Horseshoe Bay.
The flotilla included a range of Rivieras and one Belize ranging from 30-60 feet.
- R Marine Jones is now planning its next exciting cruising event – the Great Sandy Straits Experience – from 22-30 September 2016. If you would like more information on this truly special voyage from the Gold Coast to Lady Musgrave Island and return, please email or call +61 (7) 5502 9544.
- If you would like to see an inspiring video of the 2015 Great Sandy Straits Experience, please click here >>