Riviera Owners Photo Competition

This month’s owner’s photo competition winner:
Congratulations to Michael Rauch
Boat name: R Pod
Photo headline: Winter Sunset 2015
Where was the photo taken: Fisherman’s Bay, Lopez Island, Western Australia
Photo description: A cold February night, sipping champagne with best friends on my sweet Riviera.
To win a Riviera prize pack send us your favourite current boating photo:
Submit your photo to enter – Click here »Name: Andrew Grant
Boat name: Knoty Buoyz
Photo headline: Approaching Gust Front
Where was the photo taken: Tai Long Wan (Big Wave Bay), Hong Kong
Photo description: We were on the beach after the rain had cleared to let the dogs have a run and toilet break, when a gust front rolled over the hill. My wife is pulling the RIB and dog (Dax) back into the water so we could get back to Knoty Buoyz before it hit.

Name: Greg & Sheryl Spencer
Boat name: N’JOY
Photo headline: N’Joy abeam Palm Cove Far North Queensland
Where was the photo taken: Palm Cove, Cairns, Queensland, Australia
Photo description: Taken by Macarla on board their 37 Riviera when we were visiting Far North Queensland, ex-Port of Bundaberg, Queensland.

Name: Scott Reid
Boat name: North Scott
Photo headline: Perfect Day West Fraser Island
Where was the photo taken: West Fraser Island, Queensland
Photo description: Just completed a run from Lady Musgrave Island to Fraser with perfect conditions – a dream day in the water!