Picture perfect day at Motuihe

Picture perfect day at Motuihe

Auckland, New Zealand: Beautiful New Zealand offers many opportunities for our global family of owners to enjoy cruising in company and the team from R Marine JDC picked the perfect autumn day for a casual barbecue lunch on magnificent Motuihe Island recently.

More than 60 owners, family members and guests travelled to the event aboard 16 Rivieras.

Located in the Hauraki Gulf near Auckland, Motuihe Island measures about 179 hectares (440 acres) and is known for its beautiful beaches.

A recreation reserve controlled by the Department of Conservation and administered by the Motuihe Trust, which is returning the island to its natural state and has released native red-fronted parakeets (kākāriki) and little spotted kiwi.

The Riviera family competed for spot prizes, the kids scrambled for lollies and also enjoyed the fun of a water trampoline.

  • The name Motuihe comes from Te Motu-a-Ihenga, meaning ‘Ihenga’s Island’ in the native language, Māori.