Social events simply stunning
There’s nothing more satisfying for our 480-strong Riviera team than hosting members of our growing global family for four days of Festival fun and learning.
The smiles on the faces of our owners certainly speak volumes for their enjoyment.
Please enjoy our photo galleries capturing all the fun and share with us any memorable moments of the Festival by sending entering your snaps in our Riviera Experience photo competition.
Ladies Day at the Festival
An exclusive Fashion Parade & Fine Dining luncheon attended by 60 guests at the iconic Marina Mirage shopping and dining precinct at Main Beach.
Viva Las Riviera
Viva Las Riviera – The Viva Las Riviera marina party, gala show and dinner saw part of the Riviera factory transformed into a spectacular Las Vegas gala ballroom. Attended by over 550 guests, this inspiring event really did have to be experienced to be fully appreciated, with nine individual performances including an amazing magic show, talented dancers, soloists and a brilliant band.
Owner comments:
Stan Najar and Wendy Phillips – NSW
Stan and Wendy praised the positive, genuine Riviera culture.
“It really is authentic,” said Wendy. “You can really feel it – every single Riviera employee was positive, engaging and informative. It was like all those qualities were infused into every single person there.”
And Saturday night?
“It was off the hook,” said Stan. “The entertainment was first-class, as were the dancers and the vocalists.”
“It was without a doubt the best ball I have ever attended,” added Wendy.
“The entire experience – the entertainment, the coordination of the catering and the event management … the marina under lights and then the transformation of the factory into a ballroom complete with chandeliers … I was gob-smacked.”
Sergio and Leanne Cinerari – VIC
“We really enjoyed the whole three days we were there,” said Sergio.
“It really reinforces the reason you bought a Riviera in the first place: being able to see new yachts and engage with others who like the boating life too.
“It really drives home the point that being a part of the Riviera family is something very special.”
Bob Heywood – New Zealand
“The overall experience was up to its usual high standard and word of how great it is really does spread. I came home and heard about my dancing at Viva Las Riviera,” said Bob, who has been attending the Festival for many years. Riviera has once again really excelled themselves.”
Harvey and Camille Symmons – WA
Western Australia’s Camille and Harvey attended the Festival for the first time – enjoying catching up with close friends.
“Everyone who had been before said we were in for a great time and they were certainly right,” said the experienced events manager.
“The food, the entertainment and the service was second-to-none – it was very well managed.”
Phil and Colleen Kenny – New Zealand
“We are really looking forward to coming back to the Festival next year to experience some of the fun,” said Colleen.
Lionel Dooley and Virginia Woods – NSW
“The presentation of boats under lights at night was amazing – it was where I fell in love with the boats and the brand,” said Lionel. The way Riviera looks after its clients really does encourage loyalty.”
Drew and Genni Sellick – SA
“Saturday night … we just loved it,” said Drew. “The Ferrari driving through the middle of the dance floor with its top down and the guitarist absolutely nailing it – it was a pretty special night.”
Steve Thomas – WA
“The entire Festival really was … awesome,” said Steve. “On Saturday night we sat with a group from Perth and although we were from different backgrounds, we found we had a lot in common. It was great to meet new friends and we are looking forward to cruising out to the islands with them.”
The Riviera Festival of Boating will in 2017 be held from 25-28 May. Please click here to register and receive the 2017 Festival program prior to its public release.