Tips of the Trade
Coomera, Queensland, Australia: With a completely refreshed Tips of the Trade presentation for the 2015 Festival of Boating, Riviera Aftermarket manager Michael Swain is already brimming with enthusiasm.
“The first time I presented this workshop I wasn’t sure how it would be received by our owners, many of whom are very experienced boaties,” he admits. “But even seasoned sea-farers tell me they get a lot out of Tips of the Trade … even if it is just to refresh their memories.”
Michael, who recently became a doting dad for the second time, heads up an acclaimed team of experts in their respective fields at the Aftermarket facility at Riviera’s world-class headquarters at Coomera on Australia’s Gold Coast – comprising electricians, welders, mechanics, plumbers, boat-builders and master craftsmen in the field of gelcoat and fibreglass.
However, the Aftermarket team does much more than helping owners with custom modifications and refits to meet their specific boating needs – indeed maintenance of Riviera’s impressive range of beautiful boats plays a significant role in the service they provide to their growing clientele.
“I have to admit, I get real satisfaction out of helping our family of luxury Riviera and Belize owners make the most of their luxury motor yacht investments,” he says.
“Many owners pay a lot of attention to what their boat looks like on the outside, but it’s in places that are not immediately obvious that really helps prolong the life of their investments.
“In Tips of the Trade, I cover everything from the benefits of paying attention to the finer points of anti-fouling and prop-speeding right through to engine-room and bow-thruster maintenance … and specific routine inspections.
“For instance, you simply can’t cut corners when preparing your boat for anti-fouling,” he says. “The key is preparation and we demonstrate how we do it here and how it translates into improved and longer-lasting planing performance.”
Michael says boat owners should also open and close every ball valve every time they use their boats to keep them free and functional.
“Some of the things may seem very simple … but it’s always worth reinforcing them to owners.”
- Anchor Winch
- Prop Speed
- Rusted Shackle
Michael’s popular presentation also covers anchor winch, tender cradle and davit maintenance, caring for clears, teak and gelcoat upkeep.
“Most water gets into boats from tender cradles, pad eyes and deck fittings,” he says. “They really need to be removed every five years and ‘re-Sikaflexed’.
“I also recommend that owners make sure their cradles support the weight and hull shape of their tenders – people are getting larger tenders but forget to spread the load across the cradles, which can cause deck damage.”
There is plenty of fine detail in Michael’s Tips of the Trade presentation, and he always encourages participants to ask questions.
“It’s really good when the owners start asking questions because we can share our knowledge about specific issues they may have encountered … and other owners may have encountered something similar. We are also available after the workshop to answer any questions but as far as we are concerned, we want to help our owners make the most of their investments,” he says.
“Our Aftermarket team is also able to provide troubleshooting tips and handy hints on maintenance and repairs. This is a great opportunity to pick the brains of experts and find solutions to almost any issue.
“Our aim here at Aftermarket – as it is across Riviera and the R Marine network – is to help luxury motor yacht owners achieve the ultimate boating experience –it’s extremely satisfying to have the privilege of playing some part in that.”
From a simple antifoul and detail right up to a full refit, Riviera Aftermarket has the service facilities, skills and knowledge to assist you in every aspect of boat maintenance.
Their facilities include a 75-tonne travel lift, 6-bay undercover facility; 2-bay enclosed antifoul and spray facility; 5-bay hardstand and 14 marina work berths.
Getting your boat ready for coastal or blue-water cruising is all part of the service.
Below is a list of products and services available through the Riviera Aftermarket team:
- Antifoul
- Prop Speed
- 2 Pac Paint
- Gel Coat Repairs
- Fuel Sales
- Engine Servicing
- Interior Refurbishment
- Upholstery
- Timber Work
- Stainless Repair & Modifications
- Covers & Clear
Fishing Accessories
- Rod Holders
- Rod Racks
- Padded Bolster
- Game Chairs
- Chopping Boards
- Rupp Agent
- Game Poles
- Towers
- Tuna Tubes
- Bait Tanks
- Gaff Tubes
- Deck Washes
- Shorten Platforms
- Tackle Lockers
- Teak Cockpit
- Teak Tables
- Side Decks
- Teak Interior Floors
- Flybridge
- Semco Applications
- Davits
- Bow Thruster
- Cockpit Tables
- Karchers
- Stern Thruster
- Dive Compressors
- Hydro Platforms
- Hatches
- Sunpads To Deck
- Cockpit Control
- Cradles & Tenders
- Custom Stainless
- Steel BBQs
- Platform Rails
- Sign Writing
- Hull Paint
- Repaint Boot Line
Interior Refits
- Carpet
- Varnish Repairs
- Amtico
- Gel Repairs
- Timber Work
- Vinyl
- Blinds
- Upholstery
- Clears
- Awning
- Carpets